Sermons on Acts
Grateful for the Second Coming of Christ
We are thankful for the Second Coming of Christ because it gives us purpose, time, and hope.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
If you do not have a relationship with the Holy spirit, you are not saved.
Foundations: Solus Christus
If you have nothing, but have Christ, you have all things.
If you have everything but do not have Christ, you have nothing.
A Leader in the Storm
Storms reveal leaders.
The No Option Option
When you decide to follow God, you must plunge into His will.
First to Jerusalem
How you live out THE FAITH impacts everyone around you.
The Riot
When the church is the church, the community changes.
God’s Plan
God has a plan, and nothing will derail Him from His plan.
Everyone Needs Others
God designed all living things for fellowship: His Body, the Church, is no different.
Assaulting False Gods
Making a god in our own image creates worship of a false god.