
Latest Past Events

Ladies Tailgate Party!!

Friday, July 24 6:00 - 8:00 pm  Ladies Ministry will provide hot dogs and drinks. Please bring a finger food and a lawn chair. We will have a wonderful tailgate potluck, music, fun and fellowship!!  Please RSVP by July 15 so we can have an accurate food count See email that was sent for place and RSVP email details

SSC Meeting/Lunch Wood Grill

The SSC meeting this month will be at Wood Grill in Harrisonburg at 11:45 AM. The bus will leave CBC @ 11 AM.  Sign up in the foyer! 

Tailgate Sunday

Tailgate Sunday  Sunday, November 3  Around 12:00 pm, following morning service.  Wear your favorite team colors or jerseys to church. Invite your friends and enjoy some food and fellowship.  Food will be coordinated through Sunday School Classes.  Contact the church office for more information at 540-885-5512