Ladies Ministry

Latest Past Events

Ladies Tailgate Party!!

Friday, July 24 6:00 - 8:00 pm  Ladies Ministry will provide hot dogs and drinks. Please bring a finger food and a lawn chair. We will have a wonderful tailgate potluck, music, fun and fellowship!!  Please RSVP by July 15 so we can have an accurate food count See email that was sent for place and RSVP email details

“Welcome Night” Ladies Ministry

Your are invited to our Ladies Ministry "Welcome Night" This is our fall kickoff for the Ladies Ministry at CBC.  Thursday, October 17 at 6:30 pm in the Gym ~ Get to know the team ~ Find out how you can get involved ~ Sign up in the foyer! 

Ladies Ministry “Welcome Night”

Ladies come join us for "Welcome Night." This is our fall kick-off for our Ladies Ministry.  Date: October 17 Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm  For more information contact the church office at 540-885-5512